In reply to  Peter Gluck's message of Fri, 21 Jan 2011 19:31:09 +0200:
>That device working for 6 months has produced approx. 50,000 kWhours heat.
>Can this be explained by the reaction of transmutation of Ni to Cu?
>Considering first 300 grams of nichel...? Rossi can tell how much
>Ni is uesd - if he will. Am important rough energy balance anyway.
If all Ni isotopes react equally, and 2/3 of Ni is Ni-58, and we assume single
proton fusion, then the primary reaction would be:

Ni-58 + H -> Cu-59 + 3.42 MeV

which then decays rapidly via positron decay according to

Cu-59 -> Ni-59 + e+ + neutrino + 4.8 MeV (however a considerable portion of this
will be lost via neutrinos; say 1/2?).

so the total reaction energy is 3.42 + 2.4 = 5.82 MeV / Ni-58.

2/3 *50000 kWh / 6 MeV = 1.2E23 Ni-58 reactions, which is 12 gm Ni-58, or about
18 gm Ni altogether (assuming the other isotopes all yield about the same amount
of energy / atom). So quite within the realm of possibility.

OTOH, if he had 300 gm of Ni, and 1/3 was converted to Cu, then that represents
considerably more energy, and one has to wonder where it all went?


Robin van Spaandonk

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