>From Jones


> This field cannot be simplified into an either/or situation.
> Ockham has no place in this field – LENR it is inherently
> complex.
> Krivit and his sponsors are half-right (but half-wrong),
> as is anyone who says that LENR is pure fusion and nothing
> else.
> There are clearly both weak-force reactions, and multi-channel
> fusion going on, at the same time, and in the same experiment.
> Forsley nailed it in 2009. End of debate for me (and also for
> many others who are a lot better qualified).
> This is a growing consensus on this.

... all the more reason to cease what appears to be efforts to vilify
the term "cold fusion" - and presumably all that this catchy little
place-holder term is alleged (by certain parties) to stand for.

Trashing what "cold fusion" allegedly means (as if it couldn't
possibly mean anything else) strikes me as an unproductive objective.
It accomplishes very little other than to muddy the waters even more
than they already are.

I need a new filter for my aquarium.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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