Harry Veeder <hlvee...@yahoo.com> wrote:

The theory is the helium is the end of a sequence of fissions initiated
> by palladium nuclei absorbing neutrons.

Ah. I see. And I gather it involves lithium as well. Does it consume
deuterium and produce helium at the same rate as DD fusion would? I guess
the lithium depletes, but you could not detect that with the experiments
done so far.

Experts Tell Me (off line) that technically this would not be called fusion,
so score one for Krivit.

Beene wrote: "There are clearly both weak-force reactions, and multi-channel
fusion going on, at the same time, and in the same experiment." I don't know
anyone who would argue with that. I don't recall anyone saying that "LENR is
pure fusion and nothing else" so that is a strawman argument.

Come to think of it, I recall that Krivit claimed I said that. But I didn't.

I agree 100% with Steven Vincent Johnson: "Trashing what 'cold fusion'
allegedly means (as if it couldn't possibly mean anything else) strikes me
as an unproductive objective. . . . It accomplishes very little other than
to muddy the waters even more than they already are."

Even if the W/L theory is correct, there is no way it will make opponents
more likely to accept the results. They don't care whether we call it
fusion, or whether it is actually fusion or some complex lithium reaction.
They don't believe a word of it no matter what it is or what anyone calls

- Jed

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