The theory is the helium is the end of a sequence of fissions initiated 
by palladium nuclei absorbing neutrons.


>From: Jed Rothwell <>
>Sent: Thu, February 10, 2011 12:15:12 PM
>Subject: [Vo]:Krivit praises Miles while dismissing his results
>This is exceptionally weird, even for Steve Krivit: 
>I posted a note here mentioning that the best evidence for helium is the work 
>Melvin Miles. Krivit said that "New Energy Times has found Melvin Miles’ 
>of helium to be well-supported and unambiguous." Yet he continues to claim 
>cold fusion cannot be fusion. I responded:
>"Well, if helium is the product, then assuming deuterium is the starting 
>material, that makes it fusion by definition. Deuterons fuse together to 
>Krivit responded with a vigorous attack on McKubre. I responded with a message 
>he does not wish to post:
>"Assume for the sake of argument all of [this attack on McKubre is] true. It 
>no bearing on the results reported by Miles, Gozzi and others who confirmed 
>helium, and therefore it has no bearing on whether the Pd-D system fuses 
>deuterium to form helium.

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