>From Harry:

> http://www.blacklightpower.com/new.shtml
> Dr. Mills will present Thermally Reversible Hydrino Catalyst Systems as a New
> Power Source at the Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Energy Conference on February 14,
> 2011, at 4:10 PM at the Gaylord National Hotel & Conference Center, 201
> Waterfront Street, National Harbor, MD, in the Chesapeake 10-11 conference
> room.
> For the abstract click here. Dr. Mills' PowerPoint presentation is available
> for viewing.

I would assume that this was something Dr. Mills had been planning to do well 
before Rossi had made his Italian splash on the scene last month.

My take on this is that it's simply a talk, a paper presentation... nothing 
more... nothing less... meaning no actual demonstration of hardware will be 
revealed or demonstrated.

Or am I mistaken on any of these personal speculations.

Nevertheless, I do find myself wondering if Dr. Mills & Co may have felt 
motivated to ramp up strategic plans. Maybe push a little harder to get a real 
dog-and-pony-show on the road ASAP.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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