On Sun, 16 Jan 2011 14:06 in response to Terry Blanton, Jones Beene wrote


[snip]Based on what is admittedly "too little evidence" my feeling is that
first you want "densify" or convert molecules to "pycno" or the "inverse
Rydberg state" which is even denser. For some strange reason the molecule
does not permit this, but the monatomic atom does permit it and at the
normal ground state. Go figure.[/snip]


Jones, are you talking relativistic? If molecular bonds oppose conversion to
pycno but monatomic atoms do permit the formation of pycno molecules then
the only way it could accomplish this and still "remain at the normal ground
state" would be from a local perspective in an equivalent relativistic
environment. I happen to agree with that interpretation but if you really
meant the atom remains at normal ground state from any perspective then I
would counter that the pycno or dense molecules are also at normal ground
state from their local perspective. 




[snip]A good spillover catalyst (in terms of promoting secondary
densification) merely makes the molecule monatomic but without bonding, or
without ionization. This molecule splitting process is energetically
unfavorable at STP, and is a near-field phenomenon on the catalyst itself,
so usually these catalysts work better at moderate but not high temperature;
and in a situation where the atom can be "spilled" onto a ceramic. [/snip]
Ok - I can see where this would allow the atom to assume a fractional value
(from our perspective not locally) based on the local energy density but
being "ceramic" it is dependent on the "suppression" of the surrounding
grains of metal powder still being of nano geometry. I only recently
discovered that zeolites of microporous < 2nm and possibly even mesoporous
2-10 nm could meet this requirement in a mix of nano powders. I am not
saying that dihydrinos or f/h2 can't form in the smaller cavities where
zeolites don't fit - in fact I would suspect the smaller cavities could
produce the most dense f/h2 but an interim ashless chemical reaction of
f/h1<>f/h2 might benefit from the added surface area where the geometry
doesn't effect the ambient suppression or threaten ionization. My guess is
that it accelerates relative motion to the suppression gradient which the
covalent bonds oppose leading to disassociation. I also suspect the ceramic
might help the f/h2 to migrate into the lattice structure just like a normal
ground state atom during gas loading. At this point any mechanical
oscillation or heat in the lattice structure could threaten to release the
f/h2 from confinement and let it slowly leach out as h1. Life after death?


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