On Sun, 16 Jan 2011 14:19:  Robin van Spaandonk wrote

[snip]Radioactivity produces fast particles which can trigger an avalanche 

creation mechanism that rapidly converts local H into Hydrinos of whatever size

was originally at hand. If these are small enough to result in fusion/fission

reactions, then these reactions can in turn create more fast particles.....

The process stops when the local micro supply of H is consumed, and the net

result is an extremely hot "spot" resulting in melting of the immediate

material, hence Mizuno's craters, and Rossi's "zones".[/snip]

Robin, I agree with your net Result- which is an extremely hot "spot" resulting 
in melting of the immediate

material, hence Mizuno's craters, and Rossi's "zones" but not so much the way 
you arrived at it. Radiation may

trigger an avalanche hydrino RE-CREATION mechanism but the hydrinos and 
dihydrinos already existed before

the trigger was introduced as a function of the catalyst geometry. The sudden 
trigger just pushes any stressed

dihydrinos (in the lattice?) over their disassociation threshold and allows the 
freed hydrinos to reform a dihydrino at some new

fractional value. The newly formed dihydrino can release more energy in the 
form of heat then you invested in the

trigger if the change in energy density induced by random gas motion relative 
to Casimir geometry(ZPE)is strong enough.

IMHO the trigger short stops this opposition to the covalent bond before the 
energy can be converted into kinetic energy

Repelling the molecule away from the change in energy density. Because this is 
an ashless chemical reaction you can average the thermal cost of bringing the 
gas up to near disassociation level over countless cycles between H1 and H2 
such that you only need to make a small

Gain over the trigger energy to accumulate a profit. There is however a need to 
collect your profit very carefully to keep the system

In a very narrow thermal range relative to the threshold. I won't speak to the 
nuclear paths which are beyond my skill set but

I am convinced the interim step is of ashless chemistry of fh1 <-> fh2 where 
nature provides energy for both directions.



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