As a consummate skeptic, I don't even experience an external physical
reality, whether body, society, or universe...

Let's say, "Rich" is on all levels within a virtual simulation, a
"Rich's life world dream"...

So, as always, the reality status of this very flowing moment of
perception-cognition is neither known nor knowable...

Worse yet, there are many profound traditions that give this
exploration priority...

Since science was my first dogmatism, cold fusion gives me a
convenient theater of improvisation within which to play out what
happens when bunches of cats somehow succeed for a while into herding
themselves into marching in order in step to abstract music...

It's entertaining to see that mainstream cosmology has found the
immense external observable universe to be merely a magnified view of
the tiniest possible region within a space with 10 dimensions and a
one-way time flow of 1 dimension -- note that surely all those
dimensions were not vanquished somehow by the minute vacuum
fluctuation that still comprises an accelerating expansion of novel
surprises, including this very mo.m..e...n....t.....

So, I'm not just harassing cold fusion...

My target is hard to miss, being "Everything" as "every thing"...

Returning to lack of replication, there is no such thing as actual
enduring replication if it's all "magic"...


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