On Tue, Feb 22, 2011 at 2:04 AM, Horace Heffner <hheff...@mtaonline.net>wrote:

> I look forward to the report.   This is obviously well beyond chemical if
> the  consumables actually are H and Ni.   The energy E per H is:
>    E = (270kwh) /(0.4 g * Na / (1 gm/mol)) = 2.52x10^4 eV / H = 25 kEv per
> atom of H.
> On Feb 21, 2011, at 8:47 PM, Peter Gluck wrote:
> This morning I have received this from Giuseppe Levi re this test
> :
> Average flux in that test was 1 liter per second (measured by me many times
> during the test). No steam. MINIMUM power measured was 15 kW for 18h. 0.4g
> H2 consumed.
> This means that a 270 kWh = 972 MJ where at least produced. This is an
> under estimation.
A few questions come to mind.

If they consume only .4 g hydrogen, did they still have a 14 kg bottle of H2

Only about 1 /40 of that hydrogen is needed to produce the energy claimed if
the reaction is nuclear. What happens to the rest of the hydrogen?

How many of those hours did it run without input electricity?

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