>From Jones:

> The mundane reason for the appearance of iron an[d] copper
> is electromigration.

Seems like a reasonable conclusion to draw.

I must apologize for not being sufficiently clear as to what I was
really questioning: What is generating the massive amount of heat? I
gather the responsible party still remains an unknown quality  -
especially considering your concluding remark:

> Even hydrinos would result in an isotopic imbalance.

...which also seems like a reasonable conclusion to draw.

Regarding the hydrino theory, my first impression would be to conclude
(with absolutely no math to back this conclusion up with) that not
enough hydrogen was consumed (into hydrinos) that would explain the
massive amount of heat recorded. I hope someone can clarify whether my
uneducated assumption on this point is valid or not. (I suspect it's

Steven Vincent Johnson

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