*The nuclear radiation production and residual latent radiation levels may
well be a function of the power production level of the Rossi Cat-E. *

* *

*The motivation to reduce the size of the Cat-E down to a very small size
may well be that a small Cat-E produces far less nuclear radiation than a
large one. The scaling factor on this characteristic may be exponential.*

* *

*There was no lead shielding (lead shielding was removed) on the
E-Kitten(2.4 kilowatts thermal output) during its demo then during the demo
of the Cat-E(18 kilowatts).*

* *

*The E-Kitten may be radiation safe.*

* *

*In the Cat-E system, a thermal spike of 130 KWs might have resulted in a
production of a gamma ray spike that are often detected on the larger Cat

* *

*This peculiarity of Cat-E megawatt design may well have been discovered
recently and has led to the fabrication of the one megawatts Cat-E unit with
many more E-Kittens.*

* *

*This would defang the NRC and would be worth the extra material cost the
build the megawatt unit due to larger numbers of smaller E-Kitten modules or
channels. *

* *

*  *

On Mon, Apr 25, 2011 at 12:28 PM, Jones Beene <jone...@pacbell.net> wrote:

> Steven - A milder "label" is not going to work when your commercial enemy
> is big oil. The best we can hope for is that the nuclear reaction is easily
> shielded and predictable. It would not hurt if it is a reaction often used
> in human Medicine, either. Ref: the Pet scan
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Positron_emission_tomography
> After all, radium is an intense emitter and was allowed routinely on watch
> faces for years in regulated amounts - with no lasting harm, except to the
> workers who applied it. If the Rossi reaction turns out to be "new physics"
> and previously unknown, then that would possibly help, if it is also
> relatively mild.
> If one could design an ideal new version of a known nuclear reaction, which
> is consistent with results seen (but otherwise pure speculation), it would
> be a version of the "Ra Reaction" which is the most prevalent reaction in
> the Universe - the conversion of hydrogen into deuterium. This is
> Bethe-fusion, such as occurs as the first step in our Sun - going to helium
> eventually. The first step:
> P + P --> D + positron + neutrino
> Obviously the neutrino in this reaction is not detectable, and it can carry
> away much of the energy - but if the reaction is the cause of the excess
> heat of the Rossi device, then positron annihilation should occur as well at
> some level. That is the only logical conclusion.
> That signature for annihilation is clear and unambiguous (511 keV) yet it
> did not happen at the Jan demo despite a specialty meter for detecting it.
> However, there are unconfirmed reports that the kind of meter used by Levi
> (seen in the demo) had observed the signature of positron annihilation in
> the December test-run, and that was the reason it was present in January.
> This is my hope for the recent "particle detection" - that the "particle"
> was a signature gamma photon (not a particle per se - if you want to
> nit-pik)
> BTW there is a rationalization in QM for how the energy of annihilation
> could be 'borrowed' in advance, so that it is both seldom detected but
> always relevant. The operative word being "seldom". This explanation has
> "Dirac" and his "sea of negative energy", written all over it.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
> Jones sez:
> > OTOH - we keep getting back to the problem of NRC approval,
> > or even UL approval. With proved particle detection and
> > real fusion, then we are back to being years away from
> > having the device approved in the USA.
> Adding more to the goose chase, let us not forget the fact that there
> are those who would like to denigrate the word "fusion", and replace
> it with what they believe is a more accurate term: "nuclear reaction."
> Perhaps if we all start calling the process a "nuclear reaction" the
> Underwriter's Laboratory will feel less threatened (because it's not
> really "fusion") ... and Wall Mart can start marketing the Rossi-Tea
> Pot sooner.
> Clear as mud?
> Making society richer and safer through the skills of political science!
> ;-)
> Regards
> Steven Vincent Johnson

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