In reply to  Axil Axil's message of Mon, 25 Apr 2011 14:28:40 -0400:
>*The nuclear radiation production and residual latent radiation levels may
>well be a function of the power production level of the Rossi Cat-E. *
>* *
>*The motivation to reduce the size of the Cat-E down to a very small size
>may well be that a small Cat-E produces far less nuclear radiation than a
>large one. The scaling factor on this characteristic may be exponential.*

That would only be possible if E-kitten used a different physical reaction than
the E-cat. This is very unlikely.

>* *
>*There was no lead shielding (lead shielding was removed) on the
>E-Kitten(2.4 kilowatts thermal output) during its demo then during the demo
>of the Cat-E(18 kilowatts).*

I believe the E-kitten actually used for the test was the one which still had
cladding (far right). The stripped ones were just to show the construction. Not
actually used in the test.

>* *
>*The E-Kitten may be radiation safe.*

I doubt it. If any fusion is taking place, then I suspect there will be at least
some immediate radiation (probably X-rays or gamma rays, and the ratio between
the two is probably still unstable this early in the lifetime of the device).

>* *
>*In the Cat-E system, a thermal spike of 130 KWs might have resulted in a
>production of a gamma ray spike that are often detected on the larger Cat

I think the gamma spike is caused at start and end because at those times the
Hydrino shrinkage level is less than during normal operation. When the Hydrinos
are very small, the IC reaction predominates, resulting primarily in fast
electrons that produce some X-rays (1%), but at startup and shutdown, the
Hydrinos may not be shrunken quite as much, allowing gamma ray production to
predominate. The X-rays are mostly soft, and largely shielded by the Lead.

>* *
>*This peculiarity of Cat-E megawatt design may well have been discovered
>recently and has led to the fabrication of the one megawatts Cat-E unit with
>many more E-Kittens.*
>* *
>*This would defang the NRC and would be worth the extra material cost the
>build the megawatt unit due to larger numbers of smaller E-Kitten modules or
>channels. *

I think the smaller size is because the instability has turned out to be larger
than expected, and Rossi is trying to maintain a stable output overall. There is
also the fact that if a small device explodes, it doesn't do as much damage as
when a large device explodes.

Robin van Spaandonk

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