Angela Kemmler wrote:
See this interesting discussion on a sceptic page in Sweden:

It is a little hard for me to tell which section you are pointing to, but the part about the pump is incorrect. The flow rate was confirmed by leaving the reservoir on the weight scale. Rossi told me that was the main method they use of determining how much water was used. That method is foolproof. Plus they also measured the flow at the end of the hose before turning on the heat.

If the pump specifications say it cannot support that flow rate, evidently this is not the pump these commentators think it is, or the specifications are wrong. (In my experience, pump and flowmeter specifications and operator manuals are highly imaginative, and usually intended for some other model.)

It says here: "Rossi was asked in January 2011 which type of pump was used, but could not or was not willing to tell the pump model." His response was clear. He said Levi brought the pump and the rest of the stuff, and he does not know a thing about it. That's what he said on his blog, and what he told me. I find that reassuring.

- Jed

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