Jones Beene <> wrote:

> > If he were still using copper, why would he say it is stainless steel?
> Duh! Of course he would lie about it. He does not want replication but does
> like to be in the Media Spotlight, so he tries to act like he is being
> forthright, on occasion.

Again, you are missing the point I made. In a few months, or weeks, Levi
will open the cell. If it is made of copper on the inside, he will tell
everyone. (He has already seen the outside; he would have noticed if it was
copper.) So what would be the point of hiding this fact now? It will only
delay replications for a short time. It will only embarrass Rossi when the
facts come out.

I believe you are not thinking these things through. Your assertions seem
like hand-waving improbabilities. There is no point to hiding something that
will be be made public any day now. It is not likely people made an
order-of-magnitude error reading a digital weight scale, and if they did, it
is not likely they would fail to notice that the numbers are completely
different from the measurement made with the liter cylinder and the

> You, however, are  attacking him - and me, and Kullander and others for no
> reason. I suggest you tone it down, or shut up.
> Is stating the truth an attack? Is truth not its own justification?

> I would never have guessed it would get to this on a forum which is
> supposed to be focused on finding the truth. Sad.

You are certain it is the truth that Kullander is senile? You are certain
the cell is copper, even though Levi and others have looked at the outside
and seen it is steel, and they will soon look inside? You are certain they
read the weight scale wrong and did not notice the discrepancy?

These things are not "the truth." They are your speculation, based on
nothing. The truth is that there is not the slightest chance they read the
digital weight scale numbers wrong and did not catch that problem. That's
preposterous. The truth is that all of your assertions are groundless.

- Jed

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