Two messages are coming through loud and clear wrt the "big picture".


First - Rossi is getting horrendous legal advice, and the beneficiary of
that is the "rest of us". This is no doubt the worst patent application in
memory and it follows a very good one that Rossi got when LTI paid the bill
(extremely competent, actually, which is why I am calling this one nothing
more than a joke).


IOW - with an unenforceable patent as his only protection -junk really, then
Rossi will go down as a "great inventor" with big bucks in the bank from the
Greeks - and at the same time US consumers will be able to buy these things
from China for a very low cost, as space heaters, since they are


Hot water and winter heating consume vast amounts of coal, the dirtiest fuel
- so even if this baby does not work on a steam cycle - we have effectively
lowered fossil fuel consumption by up to 30%. That will get back to lower
oil costs, in the end. It is the best of all scenarios.


And the E-Cat might work on an organic vapor cycle (i.e. ammonia) instead of
steam, anyway.


What's not to like about that?





From: Roarty, Francis X 


So Rossi let us go ahead and think the cu was outside the SS reactor while
it was actually the sealed inner reactor filled with Ni powder and a
resistive heater. Water flows around the copper reactor inside a SS jacket.
The SS is a jacket not a reactor!  See  patent & drawing Jed just uploaded :


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