On Thu, Jun 23, 2011 at 1:07 PM, Jed Rothwell <jedrothw...@gmail.com> wrote:

> **
> Joshua Cude wrote:
>  No, it isn't shaky. The water would be 60°C or less in most of these
>> tests if there was no anomalous heat.
>  Sticking to the Krivit demo, no, increasing the water to 100C requires
> only 600W. The electrical input was 750W.
> So you will stick to the Krivit demo and ignore the others.

Well, that's the one under discussion now. The others have had their turn.
We can't consider them all together all the time. It's too confusing.

But anyway, it's only the E&K test that the water would be 60C from the
input power alone, if all measurements are accepted. That means an
additional 300W was needed to reach the boiling point. They used > 4 kW to
rule out chemical sources. It would not be as obvious with 300W. Moreover,
the power was not monitored in this experiment. It is possible that it was
turned up after the initial measurement.

In both of Lewan's demos, the electrical input was enough to bring the water
to its boiling point (at least within a few degrees).

In the January demo, the reported power was not enough to bring the water to
its bp at the reported flow rate. In that case, the power was monitored, but
the reported flow rate was about twice higher than the pump could provide.
If you use the maximum flow rate of the pump, the input power is enough to
boil the water.

And in all the cases, it is not implausible that the reactor supplies some
chemical heat.

Moreover, if it is only a little, then there are other possible
> discrepancies that could account for what is seen. For example, esowatch has
> calculated a flow rate based on the pump frequency to be 1/2 that claimed by
> Rossi.
> Whereas Rossi measured the flow by weighing the reservoir before and after.
> That method is infallible. It overrules the people at esowatch who are
> speculating about the pump and waving their hands.

Why should I believe Rossi? If I did, there would be no need for demos,
would there? I'd put in an order for my own ecat.

I don't trust Rossi at all. That pump has now been photographed from every
angle, scrutinized in excruciating detail, and I have far more confidence in
the Esowatch analysis of the pump frequency than I do in Rossi's word.

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