
>From Jed
>> Let's see you find one substantive error in this paper:

>From Joshua

> Why? The world already doesn't believe it. I don't believe it.
> And finding other people's mistakes is a mug's game. I don't
> believe perpetual motion claims either, but I'm not about to
> find errors in every claim. I'll wait for the evidence to
> "stand out" as you put it. For the demonstration you and
> Mallove were dreaming about. For the isolated Rothwell beaker
> than stays palpably warmer than the surroundings. If the
> claims are right, this should be easy. Until then, I will
> remain skeptical.

How convenient. And then you throw in extraneous reasoning that has nothing
to do with CF, such as associating it with perpetual motion machines.
Personally, I find bringing up such analogies to be the equivalent of an
intellectual gimmick in which hide behind.

But at least I gather you seem to be willing to wait for more convincing

I'm content to wait for the show to start, or not as the case may be.

Who knows, maybe some days pigs will fly! ;-)

Steven Vincent Johnson

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