Abd ul-Rahman Lomax <a...@lomaxdesign.com> wrote:

>  I have uploaded hundreds of papers proving that I am right.
> Oh, Geez, Jed, come off it. "I am right" is about as boring as is possible,
> and it convinces nobody.

> Those papers don't prove anything, they are evidence, and proof depends
> heavily on interpretation . . .

Yup. If you believe in the laws of thermodynamics and C of E, those papers
are rock-sold indisputable poof. If you think these things are open to
question and interpretation, then cold fusion is an open question.

>  Any steam proves that Rossi is right.
> Aw, Jed, that's obviously not true. That depends on pure fluff, mere claim.
> The input power can boil some water, there is no reason to think it can't.
> The question is rate.

At the flow rates and input power of most runs, the water cannot get any
hotter than 60 deg C. That's impossible. Steam production is out of the
question. If you disagree you do not understand flow calorimetry.

The test Krivit saw had unusually high input power.

- Jed

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