Other important stuff in that document follows. The reactor holds far more
than 6 months of fuel, as I thought. The 6-month limit is to "inspect" the
equipment. That is, to make sure it is still in good working condition,
without contamination, leaks or what-have-you. In my book, I predicted this
is how first-generation cold fusion reactors would work. Later, as the
technology matures, they will go for years between inspections and reloading
with fresh gas. Eventually, medical implants and deep-space reactors will
work for decades without maintenance.

*Question*: How fast is power regulation, let say from 50% to 100%?
*Answer: In a 20kW multireactor module, rising from 50% to 100% requires
aprox 4min. Detailed graphs will be available with final product specs.*

*Question*: What is the minimum power level for Hyperion to be operational?
Especially during the night there is no need to run with full power but
still power plant cannot be shut down. In this case fuel cost is not a
problem but other things like water steam can be saved.
*Answer: This depends on the configuration. In the previous example (20kW
multireactor), minimum power level is, at present, 2.5kW.*

*Question*: The products are built around an
E-cat<http://ecatreport.com/ecat> device
which contains nickel, hydrogen and a catalyst to generate heat. How long
will each device last before one of the resources runs out? Can they be
refueled from time to time or is the device just replaced?
*Answer: Recharging of the e-cat and the hydrogen can is required, at the
moment, to take place every six months. This is due to inspection protocols
and not real consumption of Ni and Hydrogen (the can last far more to
produce heat energy in a non stop condition).*
Great stuff! This is the dawn of commercial cold fusion. Any skeptic who
thinks that Defkalion and the Greek government are making up these claims is
a true believer is preposterous conspiracy theories, and probably thinks the
moon landing was faked.

All the discussion of Rossi's dog and pony show demonstrations has been a
waste of time. Defkalion's equipment is miles ahead of Rossi's. Does anyone
want to claim that Defkalion's steam at 414 deg C is not dry, or that the
Greek Min. of Environment and Energy cannot do calorimetry or measure steam

(By the way "dog and pony show" is not particularly derogatory.)

- Jed

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