Steven Vincent Johnson <> wrote:

> With those unscientific predictions placed out in the public domain I have
> not lost sight of the fact that Defkalion seems to be calling their own
> shots. Defkalion seems to be moving ahead regardless of what Rossi might
> personally prefer would be a more prudent course of action to take.

I do not know what Rossi prefers regarding safety. I have some concerns
about his devices, because Celani detected a burst of radioactivity and
because during the 18-hour test it seemed to produce a great deal of heat
for a while.

Everything I have seen points to Defkalion being far ahead of Rossi. He
invented the core technology, and Defkalion is paying him a great deal of
money for the license. As they should! But they licensed the technology some
years ago and they have pulled far ahead of him in practical applications.
The built-in calorimetry in their computerized prototypes (described above)
and the test equipment at the Greek regulatory agencies is far better than
anything Rossi uses.

This sort of thing has often happened in the history of technology. For
example, Shockley was soon left behind in semiconductor research, and never
made an important contribution after the first one.

- Jed

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