Another interesting comment from the forum:

Safety test in progress by the Greek Authorities include procedures and
scenarios (for all ranges of products) on:
-Stress tests
-Operational and safety test in not normal conditions (fire, earthquake
etc). Please note that Greece is a country with earthquakes and very high
safety standards because of the earthquakes
-EU regulation SEVESO II related tests (hydrogen storage and handling)
-Tests on critical components failure
-All tests for radiations etc, according to EU standards
-Safety/Stability tests
-Other safety related tests

All tests protocols and results will be released and published in
Defkalion's site with the Certificates from the Greek Authorities before any
releasing of products in Greece.

Thank you for your remarks

PS E-cat lab prototype shielding is 3 mm thick. Your toaster may produce
more radiation than an e-cat.

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