
The article does not say much.   As a matter of fact Bardi does not give any
scientific fact to confirm what he has written,  just "rumors" hence  just
blather on which he bases his "bufala" (scam) assumption.
You can find him on some rainews interviews posted earlier on this list.
The guy is never to the point actually he seems to know very little about

As side note it seem that the blog where Bardi writes is sponsored by
renewable energy companies whose  interest conflicts with even the chance
that a new energy source appears. Could be  maketing FUD technique?

Il giorno 19/lug/2011 17:59, "Angela Kemmler" <> ha
> -------- Original-Nachricht --------
>> Datum: Tue, 19 Jul 2011 12:54:26 -0300
>> Von: Daniel Rocha <>
>> An:
>> Betreff: Re: [Vo]: Prof. Kullander now an Ecat critic?
>> No, not critics. The director of those Swedish physicists denied there
>> was a contract, Rossi also denied that, and in fact what will happen
>> is a collaboration of the professors of Bologna and Uppsal to develop
>> the e-cat.
> sorry Daniel, did you read the article of Ugo Bardi? Did you understand
it? Angela
> --
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