At 07:30 AM 7/21/2011, Damon Craig wrote:

Essen and Kullander:

"At the end of the horizontal section there is an auxiliary electric heater to initialize the burning and also to act as a safety if the heat evolution should get out of control."

This is the first mistake: presumption presented as fact. The presumption is that there exists in the device anomalous heat generation.

Give me a break, he's just reporting there, the claimed function of a part of the device.

However, I'm not interested in picking these poor guys apart piece by piece, combing every sentence they've written to leverage ridicule. They're going to have enough of this soon enough. They probably already know if they're monitoring anything coming out of Vortex-L.

By the way, that claim of function has been ridiculed. How can a heater be used as a "safety" if heat evolution "gets out of control." But E&K were probably just reporting the claim here. After all, this part of their report was obviously not based on an observation of what happens during runaway!

Personally, if I saw signs of runaway with this thing, I'd look for the nearest exit or object that might shield me from shrapnel.

The "auxiliary electric heater" is used, it appears to be claimed, to control the temperature of the reaction chamber when it is operating below runaway temperature (i.e, self-maintaining temperature or anything above it). By requiring this extra heat, there is then some control of the reaction. Rossi also has added cooling power to shut the reaction down, apparently. Looks like Defkalion may be planning on using hydrogen pressure for control.

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