Another question. If his facility in Florida is plenty of fine working
devices, why bring people up to Italy just to see one ? Wouldn't be better
to arrange demos next to the factory ?

2011/8/1 Jed Rothwell <>

> Daniel Rocha <> wrote:
>> "Anyway, the demonstration was unclear and there is not much point to
>> trying to analyze it in detail. I cannot understand why Rossi does not do a
>> more convincing test."
>> Oh, Jed, now even you are doubting!
> Sure. I have said this all along regarding the Krivit test. That is why I
> did not go to see it.
> I have fewer doubts about the previous steam tests, which were more careful
> and reported in more detail. I have no doubts about the flowing water test.
> - Jed

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