>From Jed,


> I don't know what it is with people, pointing in triumph

> to something that everyone knows, and no one disputes, as

> if they are revealing some deep secret.


I realize you are probably expressing this out of a sense of exasperation.


What interests me is that when someone chooses to investigate controversial
claims what are the personal biases they bring to what it is they choose to


Krivit often strikes me as a cynical investigator. This was not meant to
imply criticism pertaining to Krivit's investigative skills. It's simply a
personal observation of mine. Krivit tends to give me the impression that
where there is controversy, there is also likely to be deception going on
somewhere. Again, possessing a cynical outlook is not necessarily a bad
thing in terms of being an investigative reporter. I think it served Krivit
particularly well when he was investigating the "bubblegate" saga. There is
strong evidence to suggest the fact that Taleyarkhan got f*cked over royally
by some of his peers and by some of his superiors. If it hadn't been for
Krivit's tenacity to ask unpleasant questions it's quite possible few in the
public domain would have ever discovered what was going on under the
tattered veneer of what was supposed to have been a routine investigation
into Taleyarkhan's professional research skills.


But now we come to Rossi. Rossi is obviously quite eccentric. He has his
flaws, as do we all. It would seem to me that perhaps eccentricity and
cynicism may not mix very well.


My two cents.



Steven Vincent Johnson




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