On Aug 23, 2011, at 5:35 AM, Jed Rothwell wrote:

Alan Fletcher <a...@well.com> wrote:

Percolator effect happens quickly (Lots of water at the outlet -- at 3:30 he empties the hose, and it refills in about 7 seconds.)
This is operating as a TUBE Boiler.

Do you mean it is overflowing? Water mixed with steam is pouring over of the top? I am sure this is the case. You can see that from the temperatures as well.

You can not tell there is overflowing from the temperature traces, as far as I can see. The outlet temperature (the red curve) remains flat, stabilizing at the boiling temperature at that elevation of about 94.5 degrees. The temperature in the lower part of the boiler becomes unstable when cold water is pumped in, but this does not indicate whether water is overflowing at the top or not.

This does not happen with the eCat, as shown in the videos made by Lewan.

How is it shown by Lewan's videos that water does not overflow from the E-Cat?

I think Rossi's hose is much longer than Cantwell's so it gives off more heat and holds more condensed water.

- Jed

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

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