>if this is the same pump 

It’s the same dirty pump as you can see from videos and photos.

>if they did not weigh the water

Again, is a “Rossi said”.

>Lewan's report is more informative than Krivit's, isn't it?

In krivit’s video Rossi said that water flow was 7 kg/h.
Rossi is lying.

From: Jed Rothwell 
Sent: Thursday, August 25, 2011 3:44 PM
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com 
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Re: Rossi Steam Quality Updates

Mattia Rizzi <mattia.ri...@gmail.com> wrote:

  Report of 28 april:  
  As you can hear, the stroke frequency is around 32 strokes/minute, which 
equals to a maximum flow of 3.8 liters/h (= 12.1 * 32/100)
  From 28 april report: Tot flow in 3:06 (3.1) h 11707 grams, which means 3.8 
kg/h (1 liter of water = 1 kg)
  In June video, the stroke frequency is 25 strokes/minute, equal to a maximum 
of 3 liter/h. But Rossi said to krivit a flow of 7 liter/h. . . .

Ah, I see your point. I agree that if this is the same pump and if they did not 
weigh the water during the Krivit test, then the reported flow rate may be 
wrong. I suppose it is the same pump, but I wouldn't know.

Lewan's report is more informative than Krivit's, isn't it? I wish that Krivit 
had told us less about the guy removing the coffee machine, and more about the 
instruments and procedures in the test.

- Jed

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