The proof has nothing to do with the demonstration. I indicated this many times. The facts are in. As it stands it is a given that thermal inertia could easily explain the 15 minute boiling. Your arguments are unsubstatiated. As for my demonstration it suggests the metal can stay hot for longer than 15 min while rapidly cooling through convection conduction and radiation. Can you say the same for the E-Cat. It can lose heat through boiling water to steam (and at a rate low enough to be explicable by the means I suggest). Your dogma is a contradiction to this. ----- Original Message ----- From: "Jed Rothwell" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, August 26, 2011 1:24 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:The Krivit Videos Part 3

Joe Catania wrote:

I've already prooven it. Furthermore I demonstrated it.

Your demonstration employed roughly 50,000 times less water than the eCat, and nichrome metal heated to incandescence. The eCat never gets that hot. So your demonstration was so different from the December eCat test that I think it proves nothing.

- Jed

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