Nevertheless, Rossi continuing to describe Krivit as a "snake" is not
doing himself any favors. IMO, to constantly reveal such an incredibly
raw emotional side of himself to the general public, particularly in
the midst of trying to convince others as to the accuracy of his
controversial scientific evidence... it does not serve Rossi's goals.
I think it hinders them. Incredibly so.

I wish Rossi would stop emphasizing the scales he perceives his
critics as displaying and simply state the facts & evidence he has
managed to accumulate. As I've suggested before, by nature Krivit
strikes me as a cynic. Being a cynic is neither a good nor bad trait.
What it boils down to is whether Krivit can utilize his innate sense
of "cynicism" as effectively as he can in the pursuit of investigative
journalism. The problem for Rossi is that as he continues to describe
what he perceives as Krivit's scales, all that tends to do to a
cynic-at-heart is to give them the feeling that they have cornered a
warm blooded Italian prairie dog. It tends to drive a cynic to go in
for the kill.

In the final analysis, if Rossi should be so lucky as to eventually
pull a magic eCat out of his hat, it will not be due to his outrageous
flamboyant style of web blogging. Rossi's speculated eventual success
will instead be entirely due to an accumulation of solid evidence, the
kind of evidence that can no longer be dismissed by self-appointed
skeptics, "snakes", and hoax believers.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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