>From Mr. Driscoll,

> Rossi has done test after test poorly...

Indeed, there are many will agree with this observation.

> ...for a reason - when will people understand this?

What needs to be understood is indeed the 64 trillion dollar question
- or perhaps 64 cents. Take your pick.  What I've noticed, however, is
that those who seem to have convinced themselves that Rossi is a
"fraudster" they cease to become impartial in their observations. From
hence forth they tend to advertise only the observations that support
the premise that Rossi is a "fraudster." Observations that may suggest
Rossi's work might actually possess merit are conveniently ignored
and/or glossed over.

I honestly don't know if Rossi is the real deal or not. I obviously
hope his eCats are real, but that remains to be seen. Under the
circumstances, the only honorable action a person like me who realizes
the simple fact that he is ignorant of all the facts can do is wait it
out and see what develops. I've been learning to be patient, to accept
my-ignorance-of-the-present-moment because I recall from my checkered
past, when I've gone off on rants that typically end with sayings like
"...when will people understand this", - it's typically it's not all
the rest of the "people" out in the world, that I'm really trying to

Steven Vincent Johnson

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