Nice list you put together Peter. We will try to get all the papers and have them translated. It should not take too long for a patent attorney to obtain those papers or do have a source of them translated? If so care to share? You see, I don't like re-inventing the wheel and those papers should be well worth the read.

To me it would seem that Rossi and Focardi built the E-cat on the shoulders / backs of the authors of the published research papers below. Calling Rossi and in effect Focardi frauds is like calling every one of these researchers frauds. I'm with Jed. It is real. Get over it and spend your time figuring out how it works or at least try to replicate it. I'm sure, from what I have read, there are more than enough brains in Vortex to figure it out.

I make this promise. If I do get a LENR reaction to happen, I will make my workshop open to anyone (well with-in reason) who wants to come and have a play. No secrets. All open. Anything you do, measure or suggest to try is in the public domain.


In chronological order

[1]. F. Piantelli, Atti Accad. Fis., Serie XV, Tomo XII, pag. 89-96 (1993)

[2] S. Focardi, R. Habel and F. Piantelli, “Anomalous Heat Production in Ni-H Systems”, Nuovo Cim. Vol. 107 A, pp163-167, 1994

[3] Focardi S., Gabbani V., Habel R., Montalbano V., Piantelli F. and Veronesi S.,
"Status of Cold Fusion in Italy," Siena Workshop, Siena, 24-25 (March 1995

[4] S. Focardi, R.Habel and F.Piantelli: “Evidenza di reazioni nucleari in sistemi nichel-idrogeno a 400 gradi Celsius”, Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di fisica, Perugia. 2-7 ottobre 1995.

[5] S. Focardi, V.Gabbani. R. Habel. V. Montalbano, . F. Piantelli, G. Solvetti, A. Tombari, S. Veronese:: “Evidence of Heat Production and Nuclear reactions in Hydrogen Loaded Nickel Rods in Siena Experiments”. Convegno “Stato della fusione fredda in Italia” – Siena (1995)

[6[ Focardi S., Gabbani, V., Montalbano, V., Piantelli, F., and Veronesi, S., : "Analisi Superficiale Con Mocrosonda X Delle Barrette Metalliche Utilizzate Per La Produzione Anomala Di Energia Negli Esperimenti Di Siena ”Atti Acc. Fisiocritici Siena, Serie 15, Tomo 15, p. 109-115, (1996)

[7] S. Focardi, V. Gabbani, V. Montalbano, F/Piantelli, C. Stanghini, S. Veronesi: ”New Esperimental Evidance of Nuclear Reactions in Ni-H Systems” – LXXXI Congresso nazionale S.I.F. – Verona (1996)

[8] S. Focardi, V. Gabbani, V. Montalbano, F. Piantelli and S. Veronesi, “On the Ni-H System”, Asti Workshop in Hydrogen/Deuterium loaded Metals, pp 35-47, 1997.

[9] E. Campari, S. Focardi, V. Gabbani, R. Habel, V. Montalbano, F.Piantelli,, S. Veronesi, E.I. Usai – “Studio di sistemi Ni-H nella regione 600- 800 K,” Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di fisica, Como 27-31 ottobre 1997

[10] Focardi, S., Gabbani, V., Montalbano, V., Piantelli, F. and Veronesi, S.,:"Large Excess Heat Production in Ni-H Systems,"Nuovo Cimento, Vol. 111A, p. 1233-1242, (1998

[11] E.Campari, S.Focardi, V. Gabbani, V/ Momtalbano, F. Piantelli,E. S. Veronesi: “ Emissione di raggi gamma da sistemi Ni-H”,Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di fisica, Salerno 28 settembre-2 ottobre 1998

[12] E.Campari, S.Focardi, V. Gabbani, V/ Momtalbano, F. Piantelli,E. S. Veronesi: “-Comportamento dei sistemi Ni-H” Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di fisica,Pavia 20-24 settembre 1999

[13] A. Battaglia, L. Daddi, S. Focardi, V. Gabbani, V.Montalbano, F. Piantelli, P. G. Sona and S. Veronesi, “Neutron emission in Ni.H systems”, Nuovo Cim. Vol. 112A, pp 921-9311, 1999

[14] S. Focardi, V. Gabbani, V. Montalbano, F. Piantelli, S. Veronesi, “On the Ni-H System”. Conference Proceedings vol 64, “Asti Workshop on Anomalies in Hydrogen/Deuterium loaded metals”, 1999, W.J.M.F.Collis Editor

[15] S. Focardi, V. Gabbani,V. Montalbano, F. Piantelli, S. Veronesi:“ Gamma emission from Ni-H Systems at 420-750 K”Atti Accad. Fisiocritici, Serie XV, Tomo XVIII, (1999) pags 109-118

[16] E. G. Campari, S. Focardi, V. Gabbiani, V. Montalbano. F. Piantelli, E. Porcu, E. Tosti, S. Veronesi: “Ni--H systems”, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Cold Fusion, Lerici (La Spezia), Italy 21-26 May 2000, pp 69-74

[17] Focardi, S. and Piantelli, F."Produzione Di Energia E Reazioni Nucleari In Sistemi Ni-H A 400 C" XIX Congresso Nazionale UIT, 2000+?

[18] E. Campari, S.Focardi, V. Gabbani, V. Montalbano, F. Piantelli,

E. Sali, C. Stanghini, E.S. Veronesi: “Alcuni aspetti delle interazioni Ni-H”,Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di fisica,Palermo 6-11 ottobre 2000.

[19] E. G. Campari, S. Focardi, V. Gabbani, V. Montalbano, F. Piantelli, S. Veronesi,”Thermal Surface effects in Hydrogen and metals”TESMI Workshop, Lecce, december 6-7 2002, A. Lorusso and V. Nassisi editors, 35-42 (2004).

[20] Campari, E., Focardi, S., Gabbani, V., Montalbano, V., Piantelli, F.,Veronesi,S> "Overview of H-Ni Systems: Old Experiments and New Setup," 5th Asti Workshop on Anomalies in Hydrogen- / Deuterium-Loaded Metals, Asti,Italy, (2004)

[21] Campari, E.G., Focardi, S., Gabbani, V., Montalbano, V., Piantelli,F., and Veronesi, F.,"Surface Analysis of Hydrogen-Loaded Nickel Alloys," Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science, Marseille, France, (2004)

[22] Focardi, S., Gabbani, V., Montalbano, V., Piantelli, F. and Veronesi, S., Focardi, S., et al."Evidence of Electromagnetic Radiation From Ni-H Systems," Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science, Marseille, France, (2004)

[23] G. Campari, G. Fasano, S. Focardi, S; Lorusso, V. Gabbani, V. Montalbano, F. Piantelli, C. Stanghini, S. Veronesi: “Photon and particle emission, heat production and surface transformation in Ni-H system”, The 11th International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science, October-5 November,, Marseiile Frtance 2004.

[24] G. Campari, G. Fasano, S. Focardi, V. Gabbani, V. Montalbano, F. Piantelli, C. Stanghini, S, Veronesi,: “Interazioni H-superfici metalliche: effetto FASEC, analisi comparata dei risultati sperimentali” Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di fisica, Brescia 20-25 settembre 2004.

[25] Focardi, F. Piantelli. "Produzione di energia e reazioni nucleari in sistemi Ni-H a 400 C".Università di Bologna,Conferenza nazionale sulla politica energetica in Italia, Bologna (18-19 aprile 2005).

[26] E.G. Campari, S. Focardi, V. Gabbani, V. Montalbano, F/ Piantelli. S. Veronesi: “Overview of H-Ni Systems: evidence di H adsorption, Heat production, Photon and particle emission and surface transmutations”. - The 6 International Workshop on Anomalies in Hydrogen/Deuterium loaded Metals, Siena 13-16 May 2005

[27] E.G. Campari, S.Focardi, V. Gabbani, V. Montalbano, F. Piantelli, S. Veronesi: “New experiments on Ni-H Systems” – Atti Accademia dei Fisiocritici (2005) (in print).

[28] E.G. Campari, S. Focardi, V. Gabbani, V. Montalbano, F. Piantelli, S. Veronesi:: “Energy production and nuclear reaction in Ni-H Systems” - The 7 International Workshop on Anomalies in Hydrogen/Deuterium loaded Metals, Asti 23-27 September 2006

[29] F. Piantelli:”Energy Generation Process by Means of the Interaction among Hydrogen H- Ion and Transition Metals Atom in Crysla Nanostructures” Atti Accad Fisiocrit. Oct. 2008 in press (!?)

[30] F. Piantelli”: “Proton Reactor” Poster for the 9th Workshop ISCMNS, Sept 2010, Pontignano (Siena)

Who will step up and call all these scientists and professors frauds? Because it on their shoulders that Rossi and Focardi created the E-Cat.
On 11/8/2011 5:11 PM, Peter Gluck wrote:
Dear Aussie Guy,

Have you studied thoroughly the two Piantelli patents- from 1995
and 2010? Have you read what I wrote about Piantelli on my blog? (adress in signature) He has built the cells.
You will need vacuum of 10 exp minus 5-6 Torrs, i.e a tandem of
a diffusion and a turbomolecular vacuum pumps.

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