Good points.  But then what is the control mechanism that does this?
 Surely not the water flow rate as that is typically constant, nor the
heating element (especially with self-sustaining mode).  Were there any
other control boxes or wires that were never specified?  Some mysterious
frequency generator?

On Wed, Nov 9, 2011 at 1:25 PM, Stephen A. Lawrence <> wrote:

> On 11-11-09 11:21 AM, Jeff Sutton wrote:
>> Hello.  I have been following Rossi and the posts since the beginning and
>> am very fascinated.
>> Rather than a fraud, I believe Rossi is on to something incrementally
>> better than those that came before.  He has more success starting the
>> reaction, however I think he has little control over it once started
> I'm not sure I can accept the statement that he has "little control over
> it" once it starts.  If he has so little control, how does he hold the
> power generated to within better than 1% of the power needed to exactly
> vaporize all the input water?  Note that the pump rate is fixed; it's not
> being adjusted to match the power level.
> This was demonstrated last spring, with output temps held to between 100
> and 102C, and was demonstrated again on 28 October, with somewhat less
> exact but still very precise control of the output temperature.
> That speaks of extremely good control of the reaction rate, and, in fact,
> frequent adjustments of the rate in order to keep the water level within
> the reactor at an appropriate level, as Jed has pointed out a number of
> times.

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