Jeff Sutton <> wrote:

"He has shown it in "self-sustaining" mode but always shuts it down after a
few hours with some excuse.  Why does he do that when the blockbuster note
would be "the ecat just keeps on going."  I suggest this must mean that the
ecat cannot just keep on running for 6 months has he notes; at least in
self-sustaining mode. . . ."

Did he say it can go 6 months in self-sustaining mode? I don't recall
hearing that. He said that one of them ran for a year or so in Italy -- the
address was listed in a patent. But I do not think it was self-sustaining
the whole time. I don't know if it was self-sustaining at all. The data
from that patent always shows some input power.

Technologically, there is no point to a self-sustaining reaction. A
reaction with a low level of input power to control it is better.

Rossi has said lately that 6 hours is about the limit of a self sustaining
reaction. The reasons are unclear. Maybe it peters out. Or does it go out
of control? Who knows.

- Jed

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