>   That's unconscionable.  I can give examples if you like but I'd rather
>> not waste more space. . . .
> Please do. That would not be a waste of space. You tend to make blanket
> accusations without specifics. Let's hear some specifics. It may be that
> what you consider unethical, others consider a reasonable risk.

Sure but it really is a waste of space.  Here are some of the idiotic
nonsense actively promoted on Sterling's pages...  as if Obama going to
Mars alone wasn't enough.   Tell you what-- rather than my boring everyone,
choose from the list here:

http://pesn.com/Radio/Free_Energy_Now/    Let me give a brief summary:

-  A guy who propose to save energy because he shows how to make an
ordinary LED light that he claims equals a 75W bulb.  It doesn't and it
won't.  It uses disposable AA batteries!  Just moronic.

-  Freddy Cell and Stanley Myers claim they can make energy from plain
water.  Water as a fuel.  Yah shoore.  No device shown, no evidence,
nothing but bullpuckey for years.  Water as fuel, on board electrolysis of
water to inject hydrogen, so-called HHO gas which of course is just an
explosive mixture of hydrogen and oxygen and which recently killed several
people in an explosion near Los Angeles.  Yet Allan constantly pushes such
flagrant crappola.

-  PlasmERG "noble gas engine" that runs on ... well... noble gases.  Can't
work, doesn't work, involves a convicted felon.  Sure, send him money.

-  Temporal and spiritual aspects of Japan's earthquake... as if they don't
have enough trouble without contributions from whackoes.  These nut jobs
predicted the earthquakes 12 years ago.  Pity they didn't get jobs at

-  Aviso, an obvious crook who claims to have a "motionless magnetic motor"
that makes free energy and the claim is based on running tiny loads and the
battery voltage doesn't drop "much".  Probably hidden wires also.

-  Massive yet tiny internal combustion engine except that it has never
been shown to run on anything except compressed air at a factor of 5 less
than supposedly rated power and not all that well then.  Would explode or
burn up if fueled by anything practical.  Has never been demonstrated to
work.  Keeps reappearing in Sterling's pages, no questions asked.  That's

- Caggiano's gravity motor that runs only on gravity and puts out 15 x more
power than you put in.  Newton would have socked his silly ears.

You REALLY want me to go on with this steaming pile of llama dung?   Tell
you what, read the rest for yourself here
http://pesn.com/Radio/Free_Energy_Now/   and please save me the bother.
And this is less than a week's garbage collection.  These people are total
whack jobs and nut cases.  I can't recall that Sterling Allan and Hank
Mills have EVER found a SINGLE example of technology that worked but if
they did, it must have been by accident.   What a waste of time!

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