>I've added some 3.8 bar readings.  Albert, by "pressure meters onthe outlets 
>of the pumps", 
>do you mean the pressure meters integrated into the pumps, or the ones I've 

Exactly. My mistake, I somehow missed them last time. But I am not sure that 
there is any cross-connection between the two pumps that are on as you have 
drawn? And there is a valve on the cross-connection between the two pumps that 
are off. Which are exactly the pumps a meant.

The 5 l cited as collected were measured from this can, as far as I understand. 
But it looks like it was an airtight connection to it, why I am skeptical to 
the function of it. There would be a need for the air displaced by the 
condensate to get out of the jerrycan. I would have liked to see a second hose 
go back to the topside of the steam-pipe.

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