Am 13.11.2011 12:43, schrieb Albert:
<-There were only two flowmeters on the water from the pumps. The two pumps
<without were not running. (There is a number of valves on the pipes from the
<pumps to the Ecats, but it is hard to know exactly the position on all of them
<from the videos.)
<So far I have read there where no flowmeters.
<The flow was measured by a scaled reservoir, not continuously, but at any 
arbitrary time when
<the customer wanted it. I think the outflow point where it was measured is 
visible left from<the water pumps in the video.
<It would be fine to make this obvious in the schematic.

If you look at the videos by NyTeknik and S. Allan, you can see two in-line 
flow-through volume meters: one at outlet of the water pump at the short end of 
the container, and one at the rightmost water pump at the side of the same. The 
two pumps at the left were, according to Mats Lewan, not running, even though 
the valves connecting their outputs to the container are still open.
Sorry. I see the red (pneumatic?) cylinders, and the green-black pumps with a grey cable connected and nothing else than pipes. I dont know for what else to look.
What's the color?
The water level in the reservoirs were, according to reports, kept constant by 
automatic valves connected to the water mains.
Thanks for this hint.

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