 Added valve on connection to jerrican. It indeed seems closed on the Ny Teknik 
video. I suppose it was opened at some point?

This is unclear. It is indeed where the 5 L of condensed water was measured. It 
does appear closed in the video (if it were open, water/steam/both would be 
rushing out). 
Even if it were open, it is a shoddy way to collect condensed water, as their 
is no "trap" mechanism. Under the right conditions of high-speed flow, it could 
even serve better as a vacuum port, than a water outlet. It is also the only 
was that we would know how much, if any, water is vaporized. Rossi has been 
unconcerned of the question of water vaporization from the beginning, and this 
is par for the course.

Berke Durak <berke.du...@gmail.com> wrote:

>Here is the third version :
>  http://i.imgur.com/GbZri.png
>  - Added valve on connection to jerrican.  It indeed seems closed on
>    the Ny Teknik video.  I suppose it was opened at some point?
>    Did the 5l of unvaporized water mentioned in the report collect
>    there?
>  - Connected reservoirs 1 and 2.
>  - I've added some 3.8 bar readings.  Albert, by "pressure meters on
>    the outlets of the pumps", do you mean the pressure meters
>    integrated into the pumps, or the ones I've drawn?
>  - The two pumps on the side of the container close to the
>    condensers are marked off.  Where these the pumps you meant,
>    Albert?
>Missing are :
>  - the automatic valves for keeping the water level.
>Berke Durak

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