Am 16.11.2011 08:00, schrieb Marcello Vitale:
On Tue, Nov 15, 2011 at 4:26 PM, < <>> wrote:

    Many universities and prominent institutes make experiments with
    metal powder and hydrogen.
    The Max Planck Institute for example examines the heat storge
    capacity at 400° for such arrangements.
    They also mill powder in ball mills in hydrogen athmossphere to
    research the hydrogen storage capacity.
    Many others do similar experiments and research.
    They try all tricks possible to optimize the effects. Anomalous
    energy is not reported.
    They have probly tried any arrangements one could think about.
    So I think, all chemicals can been excluded as a catalyst.

In my experience, in most cases one will not find what one is not looking for.
Edison did not look for hot cathode electron emission. But he discovered it.
He was however unable to make prctical use from it, others made this and the theory. Otto Hahn was not looking for fission. He was looking for Transuran elements. He did not recognice fission but he delivered the experimental evidency. Lise Meitner made the theory and came to the conclusion, it is fission. This was absolutely disbelieved, allmost all major scientists believed the atom is undividable by principle at this time.
Hofmann was not looking for LSD. But he discovered it.
Michelson and Morley where looking for the ether. But they delivered evidence against it. Millikan did not expect to confirm Einsteins theory about photons and light. But he confirmed it. Alchemists whwere not looking for phosphor. But they discovered it. They where however unable to discover it elsewhere. They had the old animistic fire water earth element theory. Others did this. The scientist who discovered that Uran was able to darken photografic film in darkness did not expect this.
The moons of Jupiter where not expected, but discovered.
Bacterias where not expected, but discovered.
I am sure, this list can been extended easily.

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