On Fri, Nov 18, 2011 at 10:26 AM, David Roberson <dlrober...@aol.com> wrote:

> Lets try to discuss the technical details on occasions instead of the
> scamming part of things.  It is much more interesting to most of us
> technical types.

Sure.  But the problem is that many essential technical details are mostly
lacking or are unreliable because they all come only from Rossi.  So I see
a lot of conjecture just based on what Rossi says.  For example that he has
had a customer and has made a delivery.  Such conjecture is amusing but not
very informative.  Jed's input is also interesting but for too much of it,
he can't produce any reliable documentation and for some of it, he can't
even say who saw what much less what they said!

And for some of us, the possibility that after all this time and all the
tests, this could still be (and is likely to be, IMO) a scam is part of the
fascination.  Sorry if you don't share that amusement. Technical types tend
not to be suspicious and they want a wonderful story to be true.  They are
some of the most easily scammed.  The example that comes to mind again is
the ruthless and amazing way Uri Geller scammed no less that Puthoff and
Targ and even the journal "Nature" into believing that he had psychic
powers and could bend and alter metals with his mind alone.  It's a good
story to remember.

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