On Fri, Nov 18, 2011 at 1:28 PM, Terry Blanton <hohlr...@gmail.com> wrote:

>  Had MIT correctly reported their
> positive results at the time, we could be will within a LENR energy
> society.

You want someone to blame because your hopes of cold fusion have not been
realized. But pinning it on MIT is silly, and a huge insult to the cold
fusion community. It's not like MIT has that much power, especially outside
the US, and the US is not the only place that funds research, or makes
breakthroughs. After 1989, P&F got tens of millions to fund their research;
more than either of them had received in funding before. They claim they
proved cold fusion on a shoestring. And yet 50M more couldn't convince the
mainstream of the principle.

Other countries like Italy, Japan, India, and even in the US, places like
SRI and SPAWAR funded cold fusion research. And there were hundreds of
scientists involved. If they haven't been able to prove cold fusion to the
mainstream, that just is not MIT's fault. Or the DOE's. The people who
think it's real have to take responsibility for not succeeding at proving
it to the world.

 If Rossi proves legit, then that will show that it was not for lack of
money that it took so long, but for lack of inspiration. And if believers
let MIT rob them of inspiration, then that doesn't say much for them.

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