On Sat, Nov 19, 2011 at 5:21 PM, Mary Yugo <maryyu...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm still looking for that one "killer" paper that shows long sustained,
> well measured, clearly presented, plots of excess energy vs time that could
> not possibly have come from some other place -- say by three orders of
> magnitude or so  (nuclear processes could most likely produce even more).

Well, if you're really interested, you could start by reading Storms'
excellent primer:


you will find that excess heat energy has been found in a number of
experimental methods with hyperlinks to example papers for each
method.  For a classic gas loading powder, you can't beat one of
Arata's earlier papers


which showed five orders of magnitude of excess heat over chemical.
But, you can't read these on an ethanol stomach and understand them.


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