From: Mary Yugo 

> I'm still looking for that one "killer" paper that shows long sustained,
well measured, clearly presented, plots of excess energy vs time that could
not possibly have come from some other place -- say by three orders of
magnitude or so  (nuclear processes could most likely produce even more).  

Have you seen such a paper for hot fusion? They have run through almost $20
billion by last count, so why no 'killer paper' or even a convincing
experiment that points to financial justification? LOL.

I have a feeling that nothing less than a mea culpa admission by Randi and
Bob Park will do for you, but if you want to educate yourself on the early
history of Ni-H, and to read the most likely inspiration for Rossi from the
nineties - here is the paper that got many of us interested in the field ...

A fair question is why a top notch high tech company (the people who
invented the heat pipe) did not follow up on this work, all the way to a
commercial product. 

Some of that history of that can be found in the Vortex archives.


BTW their grant to do this work was less than what a typical SUV costs these
days. And they were one of the few getting anything at all. You will not see
the "killer paper" for that funding level.

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