Rossi's behavior is quite coeherent with a soft-paranoid version. Scam is not defendable.
let's imagine the option. MY say, there are no clients, or fake client (actor, friend of scam). if no client, no cash from clients. (as say MV here) where from ? from investors ? no public share sales... where is the scam ? no room for it. if client is real : - that client agree to pay billions if it works, big bucks. - he have to be suspicious because he know that CF is officially a scam or a mistake. at least shareholders ask him for Due Diligence. -> he can pay a billion, so he cam pay a good lab engineer, and even a magician to check all. -> he can bring meters - he was accepted to supervise the experiment touching the pipes and boxes, allowed to installe meters where possible, outside only, but Rossi cannot refuse any reasonabledemand -> the client have put meters every where useful for him -> he have checked all he want out of the boxes -> he use also his own body captors (noise, heat, smell) to confirm mesures -> saying that the client can bee fooled by wet steam, is taking him stupid. the client is not a scientist, but a business engineer prepared to see a fraud. -> however he might don't care about the precision of measure, provides that +/- 20% it is what he want... even having half the power is a happy end... you don't drop your chicken if it produce only small golden eggs. so: - if the machine consume much, sure he know it , - if it has stored heat in thermal mass, he can feel it (smell, room temp, IR rays, thermometers) however: - rossi and the client don't care about us... like in poker, if you don't pay, you don't see. moreover we are not even on the table. - doubt is good for Rossi and his client, because it slow competitors and finance market reaction. - rossi is a man who fight against the unbelief, the trash mafia, the government politicians and ecologists, nearly get ruined, get to jail, see the physicists community treat regular scientific studies as fraud without considering facts... he cannot be easily trusting... he have to be paranoid, rebel, stubborn, dubious, .... the behavior of Rossi&co seems strange, but first it can be analyzed logical if you assert that there is a running pattent and commercial war. but I'm even thinking that all Rossi behavior is not only rational, but simply "emotional"... he have so much pain, hate, furor, pride, fear, that his behavior is more like the one of a wild roof cat than a bedroom cat. anyway, his behavior is far from a plain old scam. at worst he might be (badly) lying about the performance of his baby... it is a bit what he did, and admit, about the instability of his reactor. NI partneship is thus a good business answer (as an engineer I'll do the same, to fight DGT, or else as my former schoolmates and Eng. schools). as I say befor, the proposed scenarii for scam, error, and so on ar not credible... as incredible as the 9/11 complot. too many people in the scam, too much complex for the goal, to much budget... should go to Occam's Barber Shop.