Here is a Run I did Nov. 6 that shows what can happen if water is exposed directly the internal thermal storage without a damping influence, like intervening insulation:

This clearly shows things can get fairly spikey, depending on the internal geometry and control mechanisms.

I think the additional bump in power in the real data around T400 may simply be water reaching the level of an exit port in the 30x30x30 cm steel box. This requires a lot more analysis though. I've seen some evidence such a port exists in the front left of the interior box, just above the level of the flanges where the 30x30x30 cm interior box is bolted together. Where the water level is depends greatly on the pump's volume per stroke at pressure. Other fluctuations may simply be due to transient conditions in which water is kept out of the interior box by steam pressure, and then let back in when boiling rate drops with lowered surface exposure, thus increasing the exposed surface area, and thus boiling rate. That's the explanation in my mental model. I haven't read the posts regarding this topic so don't know what the issues are.

I'll resume quiet mode now.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

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