Joshua Cude has completed his proof that Rossi's own data from the "1
MW" demo shows unavoidably that it is certain that no excess heat was
produced. Q.E.D.

Joshua Cude
7:20 AM (56 minutes ago)

to vortex-l
On Sat, Nov 26, 2011 at 10:11 AM, David Roberson <> wrote:

[ not quoted here ]

Joshua Cude:

It is not the size of the gradient change that is the problem, it is
the time it takes to change.

You are right that the notion that an increase in power transfer is
proportional to the temperature difference between the core and the
water interface is a comparison of steady state conditions, but the
complications of transient conditions between steady states doesn't
change the fact that a large thermal mass has to be heated to get from
low power transfer to 7 times higher power transfer.

Your suggestions that ignition might happen before the onset of
boiling and that it might ignite at a higher power do not explain a
7-fold increase in power transfer in a matter of a few minutes.

In the first place, although it clearly takes time after the power
turns on before the power transfer begins to show up, we can get some
sense of that from the pre-heat period. The temperature change begins
about 30 minutes after power is turned allegedly on, and then it
increases *very gradually*, and it takes another 90 minutes before the
power transfer reaches half the input power. There is no indication of
any step increase in power transfer at some fixed delay after the
power is turned on.

This is also consistent with Heffner's models in which a step increase
in the input power results in a very gradual increase in the power
transfer (gradient near the surface) to about half the input over 2.5
hours, delayed by about 30 minutes.

Secondly, based on the time-course during pre-heating, and on
Heffner's calculation, using power a factor of 2 higher (9 kW per
module) than the steady state (4.5 kW) would not be anywhere close to
enough to achieve the necessary increase in power transfer in a few
minutes. In fact, it appears it would still take hours for the output
to reach half the input power.

Finally, even if a step increase at the input would transfer through
the heat sink as a step-increase at the output, it is even more
unrealistic to expect an early ignition to happen at just the right
time so that the power transfer increase occurs exactly at the onset
of boiling, than it is to expect ignition to happen at the onset of
boiling, again in all 107 ecats. And without any kind of indication in
the pre-boiling curve that a second heat source has ignited.

Likewise, even if it were possible to tailor the input to give the
necessary step increase at the onset of boiling, it would take a much
higher initial power which would then have to fall nicely back to the
4.5 kW just in time so that the steam never exceeded the boiling
point. Not only is this unrealistic, there is no reason Rossi would
want to do it, except to make the results consistent with much less
output power.

Now, I gather you're prepared to accept a somewhat slower power
transfer increase by assuming that the ecats are not full at the onset
of boiling. This of course requires you to accept that Rossi and his
engineer do not have sufficient competence to know what the output
flow rate is (by, say, observing liquid coming out before the onset of
boiling), and that you can determine these things better from a

Nevertheless, it's hard to imagine it could be less than 80 or 90%
full, because then the heating elements would be exposed, and the
steam would likely by superheated. And if they're 80% full, it would
only take an hour or so to fill, and as argued above 3 hours to reach
half the input power. So, unless you're proposing much more than twice
the input to begin, tailored to decrease to 4.5 kW (per unit) at just
the right time to avoid superheating the steam, this will not avoid
quite a lot of liquid being forced out with the steam.

And once the possibility of wet steam is admitted, then the
effectiveness of the trap is unproven, and output power as low as 70
kW (total) is consistent with the data.

Joshua Cude
7:28 AM (52 minutes ago)

to vortex-l
On Sat, Nov 26, 2011 at 10:39 PM, David Roberson <> wrote:
OK Horace, You have supplied the information that is needed to answer
the questions.

Joshua Cude:

By my reading of the graphs, they contradict your ideas. They show
that a step increase in the power input results in a very gradual
increase in the power output to half the input over a period of 3
hours. The only graphs that show rapid increases are related to some
kind of active control, and in those cases the power increases are
extremely brief spikes. Rossi's claims require a step increase in the
power by a factor of 7 and then a new plateau at the higher power.

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