On Mon, Nov 28, 2011 at 10:46 AM, David Roberson <dlrober...@aol.com> wrote:

> Maybe you do not understand my position in this question.  I am not
> convinced that there is a large power increase that you speak of.

Neither am I. But according to Rossi's claims in his report, there has to
be one. He is claiming 479 kW from the onset of boiling. Yet before
boiling, the power is clearly less than 70 kW. So that requires a large and
fast power transfer increase.

Horace has produced a graph and a method that should be able to answer that
> question.

The graph shows that a step increase in the inout power result in a very
slow increase in the output power at the other end of a large thermal mass.
They do not show that a step increase of the sort Rossi's claims require is
possible. It might be possible, but using the sort of thermal mass in his
simulations, it would take an input power spike probably an order of
magnitude or more above the steady state value and then a perfectly
tailored decrease to the steady state value. It's pretty difficult to
imagine how to produce such an input profile, or why Rossi would want to
produce it. So, it amounts to mental contortions for try to fit Rossi's
claims to what is observed, when wet steam and lower power out fits just as
well, and requires no such contortions.

  If it is in fact there, his technique should reveal it.  Do you argue
> with FEA?  It is not my curve, I can only reference it to help people
> understand the solution to the partial differential equation which is far
> more complex than my or even your gut feelings.

FEA is fine if you know the boundary conditions, but the point is, it
doesn't show what you are suggesting. The reference to those graphs helps
to understand why a steep increase in power by a factor of 7 in a few
minutes is *not* plausible.

> Apparently you love to disagree with anything that I state, whether or not
> you agree with it.

No, I only disagree with things I don't agree with. But your
frequently-expressed, absolute confidence in Rossi having a commercial LENR
device, does make it harder to resist expressing disagreement.

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