On 11-12-21 04:09 PM, Jed Rothwell wrote:
Stephen A. Lawrence <sa...@pobox.com <mailto:sa...@pobox.com>> wrote:

    LOL  (well, snickering a little, anyway).  Entertaining thought --
    makes it sound like the link I posted earlier on the Paradyne
    boondoggle may have been more apposite than I realized at the
    time; it bears repeating:

Did a computer expert go to Paradyne for several days and was he or she bamboozled? Was the Social Security Agency fooled?

Yes. For long enough to get through the contract awards process, and, as far as I can tell, for several years after that.

If Paradyne had delivered on time and on budget the fake would never have been noticed.

I realize a staged demo is not like a lab visit ... but since we don't have what I'd call anything approaching a clear report from your acquaintance's visit to DGT, attempts to dismiss the comparison out of hand fall rather flat.

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