Stephen A. Lawrence <> wrote:

> LOL  (well, snickering a little, anyway).  Entertaining thought -- makes
> it sound like the link I posted earlier on the Paradyne boondoggle may have
> been more apposite than I realized at the time; it bears repeating:

Did a computer expert go to Paradyne for several days and was he or she
bamboozled? Was the Social Security Agency fooled?

Prosecutors accused Paradyne of faking a computer demonstration during the
> bidding process by showing equipment that was *neither fully developed nor
> Paradyne's**.*
It is easy to fake one computer demonstration. I have done this myself. Not
with the intent to fool anyone, but only as a simulation, with dummy
program modules and the like. Training modules do this.

You can always fake a demonstration, but if you allow a programmer to
examine the program and test it for several days, there is no chance he or
she will not see through this and realize this is non-working software.

A programmer might not notice if the software is stolen and the screens are
changed to list "Paradyne" instead of the original company name. If the
programmer is unfamiliar with the original company's product he might not
see this. That is a different story.

- Jed

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