Can you provide a citation for that first quote from DGT ?
At any rate, venting 3-4 times per day WOULD BE maintenance, if it is done to prevent quiescence. And a tank that size would last 200 days before losing too much pressure - with regular venting. There are many ways to look at what is going on, but in one perspective - it is likely that the hydrogen cannot be reused in this type reactor - as it would be the cause of the problem. Expelled hydrogen could always be reused in a separate fuel cell for its chemical energy, or simply burned, so technically that is not venting either since it adds heat. Winter heating always benefits from added moisture. From: DGT clearly said that no "Vent" is done, except in catastrophic situation, that induce shutdown and maintenance. however maybe is there a reversible storage (I have seen here a patented device to heat catalytic exhaust cleaner), that allow to absorb or free H stored inside an hydride, or alike... another simple solution could be a mechanical piston to tune pressure quickly. I see three solenoid valve controls for hydrogen in/out and the control circuitry which indicates clearly to me that hydrogen is being periodically dumped and refilled by computer control.