-----Original Message-----
From: Terry Blanton 

> ... suppose it's those slightly different mass protons which are giving up
mass that is not replenished by PAMD's sea. It would mean that new H2 would
need to be added to the mix to get more "ragged" [sic - rugged?] proton

> If Rossi restarts his eCatnapping reactor, do we know how he does it?

Well, Rossi could purge and add more H2, for one thing. I do NOT know that
is what he does, of course, or else I would be more assertive about the

If he does purge and refill, and then it restarts as easily as it did the
first time, then it is almost case-closed for this explanation having some

... or QED, which in his case is a pun on itself :)


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